ACT Aspire College and Career Readiness
ACT offers a continuum of sequential assessments that prepare your students for college and career pathways so that everyone can discover and fulfill their potential. Grounded in more than 65 years of research, ACT’s learning resources, assessments, research, and work-ready credentials are trusted by students, job seekers, educators, schools, and employers in the U.S. and around the world to help people achieve their education and career goals at every stage of life.
Help Your Students Prepare for the ACT Test

As your students get ready to take the ACT® test, you want them to do their best. You can help your students prepare with ACT® Online Prep—an engaging, interactive test prep program developed by the makers of the ACT using the same research and expertise.

ACT Online Prep Order Form

Schools need to check “Contract” for the price type, and the minimum order does not apply to ACSI schools.


For K-12 Schools and Districts
Improve College and Career Readiness with Schoolwide Professional Learning
Provide your educators with professional learning in a holistic understanding of the ACT® test. Educators will learn teaching strategies that advance students’ abilities to successfully master the core skills needed for college success.

Sign up for a free quote today. Click here to fill out the form.

When completing the form, type in ACSI as your organization name on the form.
Make sure to tell your ACT Account Executive that you are a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). 

Register today for the ACT Instructional Mastery Certification courses. This credentialing program certifies individuals to help students prepare for the ACT test.

Register Today


Help Your Students Prepare for the ACT Test

NEW for Fall of 2024: PreACT 8/9 and PreACT are now offered in paper and online formats!

Gives students an early measure of college and career readiness while providing performance predictions and instructional support. Aligned to the same 1-36 score scale as the ACT, PreACT 8/9 has a top score of 30.

Gives students practice taking the ACT. Educators can use insights from PreACT report data understand performance predictions, inform interventions, and give instructional support. Aligned to the same 1-36 score scale as the ACT, PreACT has a top score of 35.

Gives schools, districts, or states the ability to use for high-stakes or accountability purposes while giving students practice with taking the ACT. Educators can use insights from PreACT report data to understand performance predictions, inform interventions, and give instructional support. Aligned to the same 1-36 score scale as the ACT, PreACT Secure has a top score of 35.

View PreACT Assessments Comparison Chart (PDF)

Why Choose PreACT?

  • Provides a snapshot of where students are in progress toward college readiness benchmarks
  • Quick access to individual student data and patterns of performance
  • Reporting categories and item analysis provide standards-based insights for teaching and learning decisions
  • Enables informed conversations about academics, interests, college, and career choices
  • Results going into "one place" along with ACT reporting in the Online Reporting Portal
  • Flexible administration (September 1—June 1)
  • Bundled pricing available when also administering ACT District Testing
Buy PreACT 8/9
PreACT 8/9 and PreACT
$18 per student
PreACT 8/9 Ordering Instructions PDF
PreACT Secure Ordering Instructions PDF
For assistance, call
Offer ACT Testing in Your Classrooms with ACT School Day Testing


Did you know that your school can offer an “official” test administration of the ACT during regular school hours on a weekday? Learn more about ACT.


Participating in ACT School Day testing provides your students with the opportunity to assess their academic skills and level of college readiness in a familiar environment. Having all students participate raises college awareness and exposure among all students, rather than only self-selected, college-bound students. For some students, the experience may help them realize they have the skills to perform college-level coursework.

  • Establish baseline information on student performance
  • Receive information on all of your students’ academic achievement and college readiness levels to establish a baseline for future comparison
  • Use data to make informed curriculum decisions and intervention strategies, and to advise students
  • Based on 65 years of research and aligned to ACT College and Career Readiness Standards
  • Feel less stress testing in a familiar environment on a regular school day
  • The ACT is accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the United States
  • Tested on what they’ve learned in their high school core courses
  • Eliminate potential concerns about finding transportation to a test center on the weekend
  • Receive personalized information to explore future college and career decisions based on their strengths, weaknesses, and interests
  • Use their scores for financial aid and scholarship applications
  • May choose to provide information to help identify opportunities for college admissions and scholarships
2024-2025 ACT School Day Testing Pricing
Assessment Delivery Price
The ACT Online $53.25
The ACT with Writing Online $68.00
The ACT Paper $55.50
The ACT with Writing Paper $70.25
Buy Now ACT School Day Testing Only
District School Day Enrollment Process
For assistance, call
800-553-6244 x2800.

Bundled Pricing - Order ACT District Testing and PreACT® and/or PreACT® 8/9 together to receive bundled pricing discounts! Must have an ACT District Testing contract to receive discounted pricing. Bundled discount is $1 off per student on the PreACT and/or PreACT 8/9. No discount code necessary; billing will be adjusted appropriately.